eQuad for Investors

eQuad significantly lowers upfront due diligence costs for investors by standardizing prequalification processes. Funds or investors can grow their investment pipeline from a larger pool of already vetted, insured, and certified opportunities that meet their investment criteria.

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We provide investors with already vetted opportunities that meet their unique investment criteria.

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Due Diligence

Joule performs a standardised project pre-qualification process which significantly reduces upfront costs for investors. The process includes a reality check of the project’s key assumptions including the project setup and technology used, the validation of the project’s revenue and costs structures, and a filtering process to match project opportunities with the customized interest of investors.

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standardized project descriptions

Clear and transparent project reports for fund and investment professionals will make it easy to evaluate opportunities.

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eQuad projects may qualify for Energy Efficiency Insurance provided by HSB Engineering Insurance, a division of Munich Re (rated A++ by A.M. Best Company). This performance insurance—which covers assets installed, project revenue generated, and energy savings shortfalls—mitigates financial risk.

Project certification

Investor Confidence Project certification provides quality assurance to investors that projects have been designed according to internationally recognized best practices, comply with comprehensive technical standards, and have predictable savings projections.

document management system

eQuad’s DMS offers a clear and easy access to all the project related documents needed from investors.